Watercolor - Mountain Goats on Quandary

by Cascade Colors
Original - Sold
Not Specified
13.000 x 9.000 inches
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Watercolor - Mountain Goats on Quandary
Cascade Colors
Painting - Watercolor
Original watercolor painting, 'Mountain Goats on Quandary', by Lynn Cyrus / Cascade Colors. A few summers ago, while hiking up the 14er (fourteener) Quandary Peak, I came across these beautiful mountain goats above treeline in the alpine. They turned around slowly to look at me as I was passing on the trail farther above. Small yellow Alpine Avens wildflowers bloomed in the rocks surrounding them on the steep slope above the mountain lake far below. Quandary Peak rises in the Tenmile range of the Colorado Rocky Mountains, not too far from Breckenridge. These beautiful majestic animals are specialized to live and survive in this often harsh alpine environment. The Original is 9.5 x 13.5 inches, painted on 140 pound Arches cold press fine art watercolor paper.
April 7th, 2015